Patients who have dealt with migraines know how difficult they can be. They can greatly disrupt one’s life and make it impossible to function. While it is common for individuals to get a migraine once or twice during their lifetime, it is a serious problem when it becomes a chronic issue. Patients in the Wickliffe area who are struggling with frequent migraines may want to speak to a professional about ways to address this condition. The first step is noticing the symptoms and keeping a journal of how often they occur and for how long. This can help a doctor determine the source of the issue.
Chronic migraine symptoms often include very painful headaches, sensitivity to light and noise, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, chills, and numbness. It is important for patients to keep track of what they are experiencing to better paint a picture for their doctor of the exact problems they are dealing with each time they have an episode.
There are times in which migraines may be a sign of a serious medical issue, while other times, they may be linked to tension or jaw clenching. Dr. Michael Stern of Smile Brighter Willoughby Hills offers treatment for chronic migraines caused by a condition known as bruxism. Bruxism is a dental term for clenching and grinding the teeth. This can happen at night when patients have no control over it. It can also happen during the day and many patients may find themselves tightening their jaw without doing so on purpose. This causes tension in the jaw joint, which can result in migraines. Migraines may also be associated with the condition TMD (temporomandibular disorder). This condition may happen due to a dysfunction in the jaw joint, causing it to tighten, lock up, and become a source of pain and discomfort.
TMD, bruxism, and the link to chronic migraines can be addressed with oral appliance therapy. Patients wear special plastic mouth guards to help protect the teeth from unwanted wear and tear, reduce tension, and therefore reduce or even eliminate chronic migraines altogether.